Writing a birth plan… from your baby’s perspective. It really is just as lush as it sounds!!
This absolute genius idea was brought to me by my client’s partner the other day, and I felt so very emotional when reading this and taking in the prep and thought that he had put into it.
They had started to write their birth plans early in their pregnancy (absolutely ideal as this gives you time to adapt and change things as your pregnancy progresses) and they have written it from each of their perspectives – my client, her partner and their baby.
I often discuss writing birthing plans in a plan A, B and C format with clients.
Plan A – what would your ideal birth look like. What are your absolute musts and what are your definite no’s.
Plan B – what would your birth look like if there is a change during labour. For example, if you are recommended to transfer from home to hospital in labour because of a complication, what does birth in this environment look like? Again, what are your musts and what are your hard no’s…
Plan C – should there be a change in your pregnancy, and you are recommended for an induction or elective caesarean due to an obstetric complication, what does this look like to you? What are your plans and preferences? What support do you require in this situation and from who?
These plans are something I continually discuss at each appointment with my clients, and we all know these inside out and back to front by the time your birthing day arrives, so there is never any annoying last-minute questions whilst you are in your zone and focusing on the arrival of your baby.
However, what I love about my client’s current plan is that they have written it from their baby’s perspective. They have written points such as “I (baby) want to feel loved”, “I want to hear my parents’ voices first”, “I want to have a calm transition into the world”, “I want to remain cuddled with my mum for as long as possible after birth” … I honestly think it is one of the most beautiful birth plans I have ever read and immediately wondered why I hadn’t thought of this before. We often too quickly forget that birth is such a huge transition for our babies as well and honouring and considering them in this way is a very logical thing to do… And something I will recommend to all future clients when writing their plans.