Antenatal/postnatal care packages
Antenatal package £2,000
Postnatal package £2,000
I support clients in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex so if you are unsure if I cover your area please get in touch. A small milage charge will be added for travelling further than 50 miles from IP7.
​Antenatal care package
​​Continual support throughout your pregnancy/postnatal period via WhatsApp/phone.
​Antenatal booking appointment – usually around 2 hours long. We will discuss your pregnancy care wishes and what support you require from me as your independent midwife. I will support you to plan your pregnancy care and make choices that are right for you. Care is offered in line with national guidance but is made in an individualised way rather than a "one size fits all" approach.
Antenatal appointments – following your booking appointment, appointments are offered at 16, 20, 24,28,31,34,36,38,40,41 weeks and beyond.​
Appointments, lasting approximately 1-2 hours, are arranged at your convenience and extra appointments can be added should you need them. ​You will be offered health checks of you and your baby, along with a good natter over a cup of tea and holistic support discussing whatever is important to you and your family during your pregnancy. Siblings, extended family, friends etc are welcomed into appointments, whatever makes you feel supported and happy... A family-centred approach is really important to me.​
Full antenatal education offering – please see my parenting class page for details, but all the information provided in these classes will be built into your appointments depending on your preferences.
​​Support with birth plan writing.
Postnatal care package
Postnatal care beginning at day 1 or when you are discharged home if birthing in the hospital, until final discharge at 4 weeks. Appointment schedule as per postnatal care in full package offering.
A single antenatal visit (non clinical) is offered so you can meet me prior to me caring for you in the postnatal period.
Postnatal care – unhurried visits offered on day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10. Then once or twice weekly visits until around 4 weeks postnatal, dependent upon your need.
I will also be available for continual support in between via phone/WhatsApp.
Postnatal visits include the offer of health and wellbeing assessments for you and baby, weighing of baby, feeding support and emotional support for you and your family. I can also complete the day 5 newborn blood spot test if you wish for this.
Exclusions – blood tests, ultrasound scans, Newborn Initial Physical Examination (NIPE), newborn hearing screening, tongue-tie revision. Clients opting for these screening tests/appointments can access these done via the NHS and I can support/signpost with this, or liaise with private practitioners should you wish.
Independent midwives work alongside the multi-disciplinary team of consultant midwives, obstetricians and GP’s and I can support you with this, dependent on your individual requirements and preferences. I can also attend your obstetric appointments with you as an advocate should you wish for this.
Get in Touch
If you are interested in booking myself as your independent midwife, I can arrange a free online appointment to discuss your needs or a a consultation in your home at a cost of £100. This is non-refundable but is deductible against your deposit should you then choose to book with me.